================================================================================ The complete C64 music collection Jens-Christian Huus ================================================================================ These tunes was not composed by me but has been included because the C64 scene either thought I did them - or I converted them to my own player later. Since I personally hate when credits are misplaced, I want to make sure this is right. ================================================================================ GALACTIX.DAT Galactix2 This was composed by a guy in Denmark who I only knew on the telephone. After some time I sent him my editor and he did some tunes in it - this is one of them. However, as he packed the tune he forgot to change the text in the player "PLAYER BY JCH AND MUSIC BY JCH" so everyone naturally assumed that I did it. I changed the text back to show that "SCARZIX" did it. ORIGINAL.DAT Strike Force introtune This is the original introtune "Diflex" did for a "Strike Force" intro. I later converted this tune for my player v15, which can be found as "STRIKE_F.DAT" elsewhere. TROLLIE.DAT Trollie Wallie Music from the game by Interceptor Software. The music you hear immediately when choosing it is the tune that inspired me in my own "POPCORN.DAT" tune from 01:33. ================================================================================